International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2015, Volume: 3, Issue: 2
First page : ( 94) Last page : ( 98)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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Cherukuri Srikanth , K. Vadivukkarasi
Due to the openness of the wireless transmission medium, adversaries can monitor any transmission. Further, adversaries can easily purchase low-cost wireless devices and use these commonly available platforms to launch a variety of attacks with little effort .These attacks affect the network performance and leads to easy access of secured data .The main aim of this project is to detect and prevent unauthorized access of wireless data from spoofed using Zigbee technology. Wireless spoofing attacks are easy to launch and can significantly impact the performance of networks. Although the identity of a node can be verified through cryptographic authentication, these approaches are not always desirable because of their overhead requirements .In this project, we propose to use spatial information, a physical property associated with each node, hard to falsify, and not reliant on cryptography, as the basis for detecting spoofing attacks, determining the number of attackers when multiple adversaries masquerading as the same node identity, and localizing multiple adversaries. We propose to use the spatial correlation of received signal strength (RSS) inherited from wireless nodes to detect the spoofing attacks.
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is currently pursuing masters degree program in embedded system technology in SRM University, India, PH- +919043638514.
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