International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2017, Volume: 5, Issue: 4
First page : ( 339) Last page : ( 349)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
DOI: 10.21276/ijircst.2017.5.4.8 | DOI URL:
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Kaoutar Hafdi , Abdelaziz Kriouile, Abderahman Kriouile
Internet of Things (IoT) faces different architectural challenges to meet the large scale application issues, the heterogeneity, and the self-adaptivity. Many IoT applications require a dynamic construction of the system and should ensure a high degree of reliability. To this end, we propose the ReDy architecture [1], which is a reusable solution for reliable and dynamic distributed IoT applications. In this paper we propose a formalization and validation of the ReDy architecture. For this end, we propose a formal model using LNT language [2]. We propose also a suitable algorithm to implement a reliable and dynamic membership management. Then we give a formal validation of this critical part based on formal modeling and model checking techniques [3].
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IMS Team, ADMIR Laboratory, Rabat IT Center, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco,
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