Volume- 7
Issue- 3
Year- 2019
DOI: 10.21276/ijircst.2019.7.3.8 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.21276/ijircst.2019.7.3.8
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Shravya G , Prof. Smitha G R
Look technique utilized for the content gives semantically significant outcome, however isn't a similar with regards to the scan strategy utilized for pictures. Interactive media information is being distributed on the Web at an extraordinary rate. Likewise, in this time of innovation, it is conceivable to get data about any person from web. It has turned out to be fundamental to perform picture hunt of a person to recover the comparative pictures from Web. It is even conceivable to get any kind of data about any superstar from Wikipedia and different locales. This project aims at building the Image Search Engine for recovering the pictures just as structure the profile of a person, from World Wide Web. This is finished via preparing set of pictures of an individual and after that the web crawler creeps over the connections for getting the pertinent pictures. These recovered pictures coordinate with the name entered by the client. A similar outcome is utilized to get the data and manufacture the profile of a similar individual by slithering over the connections.
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M.Tech., Software Engineering, RV College of Engineering®, Bengaluru -59. (email: shravyag.sse17@rvce.edu.in)
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