Heuristic Walkthrough Usability Evaluation of Electronic Health Record with a Proposed Security Architecture
Prajakta Pawar , Sushopti Gawade
There currently appears to be concerted efforts at national (HSE) Regional (EU) and international (WHO) level to promote the replacement of paper-based record systems with electronic health record systems (EHR) for improved efficiency and effectiveness of management of patients’ records. However, one of the areas of slow evolution is our healthcare system. With the recent developments in information and communication technology, healthcare is constantly undergoing changes, with new medical technologies, business models and research findings. It has evolved as a new data-centric, more precise, productive, accurate and timely system which can make the difference of life and death in acute situations known as Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This paper studies existing architecture of EHR and draws security flaws in it. The paper has tried to overcome the flaws and has proposed an architecture of EHR.
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P. Pawar, S. Gawade,
"Heuristic Walkthrough Usability Evaluation of Electronic Health Record with a Proposed Security Architecture", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Technology (IJIRCST), Vol-2, no.1, pp.24-28, 2014. Available from:
Corresponding Author
Prajakta Pawar
Pillai’s Institute of Information Technology, Panvel, University of Mumbai,India,(e-mail: prajaktapawar6174@gmail.com)