International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 3
First page : ( 398) Last page : ( 402)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
DOI: 10.55524/ijircst.2022.10.3.63 |
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (
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Balisetty Naga Nikitha , Addanki Sudha Maheswari, Dudekula Shameena, Bandaru Poojasri, Heena Kauser, G. Sambasiva Rao
We use and study a wide range of machine learning methods to predict and trade in the daily crypto currency market. We teach the algorithms to make daily market predictions based on how the 100 cryptocurrencies with the most market value change in price. Based on our research, all of the used models are able to make estimates that are statistically sound, with the average accuracy of all crypto currencies falling between 52.9% and 54.1%. When these accurate numbers are based on the 10% most confident expectations for each class and day, they go up to somewhere between 57.5% and 59.5%. A well-known case study in the field of data science looks at how people try to figure out how much different digital currencies are worth. Stock prices and the prices of cryptocurrencies are based on more than just the amount of buy and sell orders. At the moment, the government's financial policies about digital currencies affect how the prices of these things change. People's views about a crypto currency or a star who directly or indirectly backs a crypto currency can also cause a big rise in buying and selling of that currency. This study looks at the trustworthiness of the three most famous coins on the market today: bitcoin, how well buying strategies for ethereum and litecoin that are based on machine learning work. The models are checked and tested with both good and bad market situations. This lets us figure out how accurate the forecasts are in light of any changes in how the market feels between the proof and test times.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences, Vallur, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India
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