Effect of Fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash on the Properties of Burnt Clay Bricks
Surender Malik , Bhavana Arora
This study involves the experimental investigation of effect of fly ash and rice husk ash on the properties of burnt clay bricks. Determine the properties of the bricks casted with varying proportions of admixtures is taken into consideration whether the admixtures can be used for the production of clay bricks. On seeing the present day demand for bricks, an attempt is made to study the behavior of bricks manufactured using, different waste materials like rice husk ash and fly ash. The main aim of this work was to compare the compressive strength of the bricks. The bricks were made, sun dried and burnt in a kiln, and then with the help of Compression Testing Machine (C.T.M.) finely their compressive strength was calculated. From this test in this research work it was concluded that the bricks with fly ash as the waste material admixture, gave the highest compressive strength.
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Cites this article as
S. Malik, B. Arora,
"Effect of Fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash on the Properties of Burnt Clay Bricks", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (ijircst), Vol-3, Issue-4, Page No-19-21, 2015. Available from: