Volume- 2
Issue- 3
Year- 2014
Sham Sul Kamal Wan Fakeh , Mohd Sazili Shahibi, Adnan Jamaludin, Mohd Rukhaire Rahim, Zaharudin Ibrahim
UITM has prominently produced a numbers of leaders in Malaysia’s society. If you want to understand the direction of this nation, we must examine the people who will lead the country for the next decades. Where do you find these people? They are in our universities. There are hundreds of thousands young adults enrolled in undergraduate programs in the university in Malaysia. In UITM itself, there are 172,000 students. If past performance is any indication, there is the reason to believe that among the students, the leader will be produced and they will quickly rise to positions of influence and authority in business, education, and government in Malaysia. A new generation of leaders is needed not only to build the local partnerships in today’s communities, but to assume all positions of leadership. Student in UiTM were given the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaires (MLQ) to determine their self-perception of leadership behavior according to the Full Range Leadership Development Theory (Bass& Avolio, 1997) focusing on transformational,
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Faculty of Information, University Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia, 019-6038522, 03- 79622143(e-mail: shamsul@salam.uitm.edu.my)
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