Volume- 3
Issue- 2
Year- 2015
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Ch.Ayyappa , S. Manikandaswamy
This paper describes the implementation biometric of an embedded system for online signature verification using ARM processor. Online signature verification is one of the biometric features which can be used as a common method for identity verification. The online signature verification is the aim of difference between the original signature and forgery signature. The online signature verification is primarily focused on skilled forgery detection. The signatures are acquired using a digitizing tablet which captures both dynamic and spatial information of the writing. After pre-processing the signature, several features are extracted. The authenticity of a writer is determined by comparing an input signature to a stored reference set (template) consisting of three signatures. The similarity between an input signature and the reference set is computed using string matching and the similarity value is compared to a threshold. Several approaches for obtaining the optimal threshold value from the reference set are investigated. The best result yields a false reject rate of 2.8% and a false accept rate of 1.6%. The On-line Signature Recognition and Verification is implemented using MATLAB. This work has been tested and found suitable for its purpose.
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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,(Embedded System Technology), SRM University, Chennai, India, Mobile No +918122909138
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