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Helmet Detection and Number Plate Recognition Using YOLOv8 and Tensorflow Algorithm in Machine Learning

Dipti Prajapati, Samishtarani Sabat, Sanika Bhilare, Rashmi Vishe, Prof. Suman Bhujbal

Vol-12  Issue-2  March  2024

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Helmet Detection and Number Plate Recognition Using YOLOv8 and Tensorflow Algorithm in Machine Learning

Dipti Prajapati, Samishtarani Sabat, Sanika Bhilare, Rashmi Vishe, Prof. Suman Bhujbal

Vol-12  Issue-2  March  2024

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No. of Downloads: 32 | No. of Views: 460

Helmet Detection and Number Plate Recognition Using YOLOv8 and Tensorflow Algorithm in Machine Learning

Dipti Prajapati, Samishtarani Sabat, Sanika Bhilare, Rashmi Vishe, Prof. Suman Bhujbal

Vol-12  Issue-2  March  2024

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No. of Downloads: 32 | No. of Views: 460

Helmet Detection and Number Plate Recognition Using YOLOv8 and Tensorflow Algorithm in Machine Learning

Dipti Prajapati, Samishtarani Sabat, Sanika Bhilare, Rashmi Vishe, Prof. Suman Bhujbal

Vol-12  Issue-2  March  2024

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No. of Downloads: 32 | No. of Views: 460

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