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Study the Behaviour of Using Steel Scrap in Concrete

Aquib Amin, Er. Anuj Sachar

Vol-10  Issue-5  September  2022

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No. of Downloads: 27 | No. of Views: 522

An Experimental Study on Soil Stabilization by Using Cement and Incinerated Bottom Ash

Tanweer Ahmad Sheikh, Er. Anuj Sachar

Vol-10  Issue-6  November  2022

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No. of Downloads: 44 | No. of Views: 752

A Review of Laboratory Studies on Use of Low Density Polyethene (LDPE) and Non-Silica as Bitumen Modifiers

Shakir Fayaz Reshi, Er. Anuj Sachar

Vol-10  Issue-6  November  2022

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No. of Downloads: 29 | No. of Views: 673

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