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pH Sensor Based on Dual Gate Organic Field Effect Transistor

Safura Hameed Bhat, Ravinder Pal Singh, Monika Mehra

Vol-11  Issue-1  January  2023

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No. of Downloads: 43 | No. of Views: 638

A Hybrid Approach for Optimized Resource Allocation in a Deployed 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) Network

Bisma, Ravinder Pal Singh, Jasmeen Gill, Dr. Monika Mehra

Vol-11  Issue-1  January  2023

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No. of Downloads: 40 | No. of Views: 607

Vehicle Number Plate Identification Using a Bi-Step Region Segmentation and Classification Technique

Raja Mursleen Bhat, Ravinder Pal Singh, Jasmeen Gill, Dr. Monika Mehra

Vol-11  Issue-1  January  2023

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No. of Downloads: 39 | No. of Views: 795

Low Power Implementation of QRS Detection System

Suhail Mushtaq Tantray, Ravinder Pal Singh, Dr Monika Mehra

Vol-11  Issue-2  March  2023

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No. of Downloads: 61 | No. of Views: 1112

Sentimental Analysis of a Sentence

Fazil Amin Mir, Ravinder Pal Singh, Dr. Monika Mehra

Vol-10  Issue-1  January  2022

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No. of Downloads: 57 | No. of Views: 998

Age and Gender Prediction using Caffe Model and OpenCV

Sharik Shaban, Ravinder Pal Singh, Dr. Monika Mehra

Vol-10  Issue-1  January  2022

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No. of Downloads: 217 | No. of Views: 2705

HSV Values and OpenCV for Object Tracking

Mir Mahpara Gulzar, Ravinder Pal Singh, Dr Monika Mehra

Vol-10  Issue-1  January  2022

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No. of Downloads: 54 | No. of Views: 1473

Arduino-Based Fire Alarm System with GSM Module

Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-10  Issue-2  March  2022

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No. of Downloads: 29 | No. of Views: 757

A Brief Study on Alarm System of Fire

Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-10  Issue-2  March  2022

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No. of Downloads: 39 | No. of Views: 735

Comparison of Color Classification Using Computer Vision and Deep Neural Network

Mir Rahil, Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-10  Issue-4  July  2022

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No. of Downloads: 26 | No. of Views: 965

Deep Learning-based Classification of Materials into Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable

Aaqib Rashid Bhat, Monika Mehra, Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-10  Issue-4  July  2022

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No. of Downloads: 30 | No. of Views: 557

A Wideband Rectangular Patch Antenna For 5 G Communications

Faizan Aarif Hajam, Monika Mehra, Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-10  Issue-4  July  2022

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No. of Downloads: 23 | No. of Views: 534

A Deep Neural Network Approach to Detect and Classify Skin Cancer

Aurooj Farooq Jeelani , Dr. Monika Mehra, Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-10  Issue-6  November  2022

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No. of Downloads: 28 | No. of Views: 588

Deep Learning Approach to Classify Brain Tumor with Comparative Analysis of CT and MRI Scans

Zarka Ashraf, Ravinder Pal Singh, Dr. Monika Mehra

Vol-10  Issue-6  November  2022

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No. of Downloads: 46 | No. of Views: 767

Advance Fire Control and Detection System

Ravinder Pal Singh

Vol-9  Issue-6  November  2021

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No. of Downloads: 34 | No. of Views: 1048

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